Photo: opening exhibition in the Atrium, city hall Den
Hague, November 2011.
His ArtShefqet Avdush
Emini is an all-round artist who
creates baked bronze varnish clay sculptures, drawings and last but not least
In both exhibitions there have been presented several paintings of
his hand. Having a look at these paintings means to
make a mental journey on
many levels. His style of painting, the compositions he makes, the way he is
using colors in
combination with his compositions, the way is using paint
itself as a material (oil on canvas, acryl on canvas), and the
stories he want
to tell. His painted portraits and figures do often not have titles, which mean
that Shefqet gives you
a change to make up your own thoughts and feelings. It
also gives you an opportunity to travel away in time or place. Sometimes
work might remind you to one of the famous girls of the Dutch master Vermeer,
to Mozart, to people in pain, or grieve,
people coming from Kosovo, coming from
wherever? All kind of moods do come
along your eyes and thoughts. His paintings
are multi-interpretable. Like they
want to tell you something about the past and the present. Besides this you can
Shefqet’ energy while painting, using his paintbrush as a medium for his
own inner world. He is a painter with flair,
which can be interpreted as
(abstract) expressionism, and gives in combination with his classical touch a
very interesting
and lively result. You can also notice Shefqet’ knowledge of
the Dutch masters like Rembrandt, Vermeer, Van Gogh
and the Cobra group, like
Corneille for example. In Shefqet ’art is a colorful world of people, roots,
tradition, and life coming together.
Untitled: oil on canvas, 40 x 50. 2007
Untitled: oil on canvas, 54 x 54. 2010.
Acryl on canvas: 100 x 150. 2011